Leaving no stone unturned in giving visibility to parliamentary-related issues, PN Africa has published content to promote open parliaments in the Parliamentary Newspaper over the years. another sector managed by the organization as a means of dissemination of information.
The Parliamentary Newspaper began as an advocacy newspaper in 2015 intended to bridge the communication gap between legislators and citizens across Africa. As an advocacy newspaper, it reports on what happens within the Parliament of Ghana and carries the general concerns of the public to legislators to inform their decisions.
Three strategic productions of the newspaper were published during the year to highlight some of the significant things that had happened within the Parliamentary governance space and beyond. Including the important laws that have been passed, the analysis, the impact stories, and the challenges in the system as well.
These contents were circulated online and in hard copies. These newspaper editions have digitally reached Members of Parliament in various West African countries, as well as Members of the Pan African Parliament, parliamentary journalists, development partners, civil society organizations, and the diplomatic community.
The publications included open parliament activities that have been implemented by PMO networks.
The organization also focused its lenses on the activities of the ECOWAS and Pan-African Parliaments. Where quarterly reports were produced particularly within the periods these legislative bodies met.
Another activity that stood out in the monitoring of these international parliaments was the daily media briefing sessions held by members of the African Parliamentary Monitoring Organizations Network (APPN) during the second ordinary session of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP).
Officials of the PAP were engaged after each session on relevant topics that were the subject matter for the plenary sessions. In all, a total of four sessions were held. The debriefing exercise took the form of an official address and a subsequent question-and-answer format held on Zoom and streamed live on Facebook. There was a formal relationship established with the Pan-African Parliament within the period.
In addition, an interactive Extraordinary Session of the ECOWAS Parliament took place in Winneba, Ghana, in October 2023, focusing on the theme, “The Challenges of Tenure Elongation and Unconstitutional Regime Change in West Africa – The Critical Role of the ECOWAS Parliament.” The objective was to analyze the causes of military takeovers, democratic regression, and political instability in the region despite existing protocols aimed at consolidating democracy. In this session, Concerns were raised about the status of Niger’s participation in ECOWAS Parliament following a coup.
Divergent views emerged on whether Niger should still be considered an ECOWAS member, with some advocating for clarity on the matter. The session included the swearing-in of new members and the recognition of Mr. John Azumah, the outgoing Secretary General of the ECOWAS Parliament, for his significant contributions.