The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Shura Council of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia this month.
Speaking during a courtesy call by the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to South Africa, His Excellence Ambassador Sultan Al Angari, the President of the PAP H.E. Chief Fortune Charumbira emphasized the importance of the MoU in strengthening cooperation between the two Parliamentary bodies.
He said the MoU should be signed before the sitting of the PAP in mid May to allow the speaker of the Shura Council to not only attend PAP sitting as an observer, but also to address the Parliament. The President implored the ambassador to quicken the process as this has been continuously postponed since October last year.
The PAP President said, “the MoU covers all areas that will improve the two institutions political, social and economic. Saudi Arabia is very keen and interested to enhance and strengthen relationship with African countries and also with African institutions. So, it’s part of our foreign policy because African countries are very important to Saudi Arabia.”

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