National Assembly of Benin: The Second Regular Session of 2022 to Open with about Forty Files.

The spokesman of the National Assembly of Benin, Mr. James-William Gbaguidi, on the eve of the opening of the second regular session of 2022, informed that some 40 items are on the agenda of the new session.
He gave a press conference at the institution’s headquarters in Porto Novo last Monday. On the menu of the parliamentary agenda are the reviews of the bill amending the general budget of the State, 2022, which will increase by 16%, the examination of the general budget of the State, 2023 which will cross the threshold of 3000 billion fcfa, Examination of the final budget of the State 2018, 2019 and 2020 Regulations.

Speaking to a group of journalists, Mr. Gbaguidi explained that 2 nd ordinary session is a budgetary one which will be dealing with the draft amended finance law for management 2022, Amounting to CFAF 2,956,661 billion, up from CFAF 2,541,203 billion, an increase of 16.3%. The draft finance law for the management 2023, amounting to 3.033.337 billion CFA francs, is also the bills for the final regulation of the state budget for the management 2018, 2019 and

All these according to him, will be preceded by the presentation of the report on the activities of the President of the National Assembly covering the period from 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022 in accordance with Article 21 paragraph 2 of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure. Adding that other issues could be addressed if circumstances permit.

Informing the press on two main issues, namely the work done during the first ordinary session and the special session, the parliamentary spokesman said that during the first ordinary session of 2022, The deputies passed 03 organic and 07 ordinary laws, which significantly improved the control of government action, he stated.

Story By Florence D.Y. GBOLU

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