The speaker of Parliament for the Senegal National Assembly, Amadou Mame Diop has described as unfortunate the brawl that occurred in the chamber last September, bemoaning members to act responsibly and efficiently under the special seal of serenity in the course of duty.

Honourable Amadou Diop, who was addressing members of the legislature during the opening of the first ordinary Session implored his fellow legislators to make the Assembly’s  Rules of Procedure their best allies.

“Naturally, we may have different points of view. It is up to us then to play it with responsibility and efficiency under the special seal of serenity during our work. Our Rules of Procedure are therefore one of our best allies. Whatever side we are on. Respecting it, building on it, will be essential to the smooth running of our work,” he underscored.

This first ordinary section according to him will be the start of some projects which are aimed at achieving a greater modernization of their working methods. Honourable Diop, assured the house of his intentions to pursue and deepen them if necessary, Counting on the support of the State as well as some international partners who are attentive to the strengthening of the parliamentary institution.
in addition, he stated that he will remain open to listening to all members of Parliament in the search for appropriate solutions to the best possible conditions for fulfilling their mandate.

The current National Assembly is the 14th, following the country’s parliamentary elections in July with the government’s coalition winning 82seats, out of the 165 in the Assembly, However, it obtained an absolute majority of 83 deputies, against 82 in total for the opposition, with the rallying of one opposition deputy, Pape Diop, former president of the National Assembly and Senate.

However, in September, the Assembly convened for the first time since the July election. Per the agenda, the 165 members of parliament who were successfully installed were to elect their president, but the assembly failed to reach an agreement on the electoral process so much so that the deputies of the opposition and the presidential camp came to blows and the police were called.

Finally, the lawmakers elected Amadou Mame Diop as the new speaker of parliament for the 14th National Assembly. He obtained 83 out of 84 votes. Eighty-one out of 165 lawmakers abstained from voting. The legislators will be serving a five year term in office.

Story By: Florence D.Y. GBOLU

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