Florence Dzigbordi Yaa Gbolu is a seasoned journalist and communications professional with a deep passion for governance issues, reporting, writing, and editing on key topics. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management from Central University College and a diploma in Journalism and Public Relations from the Institute of Commercial Management, UK.
Florence is bilingual and possesses a Diploma in French from Université D’Abomey-Calavi, Centre Béninois des Langues Etrangères (CEBELAE), Cotonou, Benin, along with extensive experience in translation and interpretation.
In 2022, Florence joined Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) as a Research Associate for Benin during the Open Parliament Index (OPI) Project. After returning to Ghana in mid-2023, she transitioned to the role of Research Officer, and in 2024, she took on the position of Programmes Officer for The Gambia and Sierra Leone.
Florence is highly self-motivated and equipped with a diverse skill set, consistently demonstrating exceptional performance in any role she undertakes. She excels in meeting targets and deadlines, always delivering outstanding results. Her unique ability to reshape narratives to achieve organizational goals has distinguished her in every environment she has worked in.