Senior Programmes Officer

Ms. Cynthia Afi Dzudzor, the Senior Programmes Officer at Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) is a young, versatile, dynamic and a bilingual international relations practitioner.

  She is currently in charge of managing the organisation’s grant-making work stream of funds from diverse donors, including consortium grants, and identifying and securing new programme opportunities for expanding the core mission areas of PNAfrica. She is also responsible for complete oversight of all grant portfolio from fulfilment of substantive programmatic objectives to financial and compliance requirements for the life of the grants.


  She also provides oversight of all country grants, develops reporting tools and ensure that projects are running according to donor contractual requirements and budgets.


She holds a Master of Arts Degree in International Affairs from the University of Ghana, and a Bachelor’s Degree in French and Political Science from the same institution. She had her Diploma in French from Université D’Abomey-Calavi Centre Béninois des langues Etrangères (CEBELAE), Cotonou, Benin.

Prior to her role as Senior Programmes Officer, Ms. Dzudzor served as the Senior Communications & Advocacy Officer at PNAfrica where she was in charge of promoting the image of the organization to its external publics, using social media tools and traditional media and providing leadership and support in the development and execution of advocacy and policy influencing campaigns.

In addition, she represented PNAfrica in global, regional and national advocacy and campaigns events, conferences, fora, seminars and technical working groups.

Cynthia also spearheaded the organisation’s Parliamentary Electronic Newspaper (PeN), which is an online newsletter on happenings in African Parliaments, especially Ghana, The Gambia and Sierra Leonian Parliaments.

Cynthia has an excellent communication and organizational skills, backed with a strong passion for mentoring and impacting the lives of people.

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